CBS Paramount Television (CPT) (formerly Desilu Productions, Paramount Television, among other companies) is an American television production/distribution company that was formed on January 17, 2006 by CBS Corporation merging Paramount Television and CBS Productions.
It is the television production arm of the CBS network (CBS Productions previously assumed such functions), and, alongside Warner Bros. Television, it is also the television production arm of The CW Television Network (in which CBS has a 50% ownership stake).
Today, CBS Paramount Television—the only CBS-owned company that uses the Paramount name and logo in the company's name and logo (Paramount Pictures is currently owned by the post-2006 Viacom that was spun off from CBS, which was once known as the old Viacom)—has two divisions: CBS Paramount Network Television (the production arm) and CBS Television Distribution (the distribution arm).
National Amusements retains majority control of both CBS and the new Viacom. As such, many Paramount films are still distributed by CBS Paramount Television and Paramount Home Entertainment continues to distribute home video sales of CBS shows.
The studio has an output deal with Australia's Channel Ten, which means that Ten usually gets first airing rights to the studio's productions.
Until recently—in the U.S.—King World distributed its product independently from CBS Paramount, while internationally CBS Paramount International Television handled distribution and sales. As of September 27, 2007 the CBS Television Distribution logo appears after shows that had been distributed by King World.